Why Detroit For A Web Design Company?
On several recent occasions I’ve been asked what prompted me to move my already successful web design company to Detroit, a place with a less than perfect reputation to say the very least. My simple response has been; “Why not Detroit?”
I felt compelled to speak on behalf of the city in this article, in an effort to explain to my followers, future clients, and business associates the opportunity that I see in the city of Detroit. We all know that Detroit has not been a major topic of discussion for success in many years, but all that is changing. This city is leading the nation with its growth potential and is projected to be a place for any business with a solid foundation ought to be extremely successful. You might not see the whole picture now, but I believe that in the matter of 5 years that any successfully started business will have major success. By my own definition, a successfully started business is a business with a solid foundation and that is equipped with a favorably designed brand including website, logo, business process and a proven business model.
There’s much opportunity with small businesses of Detroit. I understand there’s a lack of true understanding of how important a website is and Search Engine Optimization. Web design and internet marketing has taken a back seat with small business owners, but Ralph Walker Designs is here to take the time to educate and instill trust within the business owners in the city of Detroit.
There’s not many web design companies that cater to the small business owners. We understand that development and search engine optimization is very expensive, but our Detroit web design company believes that if we don’t invest back into our small businesses than the city will never reach it’s fullest potential. If the small businesses of Detroit increase revenue then that in turns creates jobs.
Our social part is to help smaller businesses win so that they are able to provide jobs which creates a strong economy. Teaching our business owners how important search engine optimization is and how it works is top priority for our web design company. We have articles a that explains what SEO is and how it works. How to create good call to actions which gives direction on your website which leads to increased sales. We also teach you how to increase traffic through good website content. We want you to know that after you have a great design your content has to be just as great if not better.
We teach our clients how to create that content for both social media and for your website. We treat content like increasing your credit score. Keep your content revolving. Just like keeping your credit card revolving, helps increase your credit score, it’s the same thing how content increase your ranking on google with revolving content.
There’s nice article that was written up about Ralph Walker Designs, Take a look here